Long vacations are great, but it’s not always easy to take so much time off, which is where 3 Days In comes in. We give you ideas of how to spend 3 days in a particular location. From high end luxury to affordable experiences, we have it all. And it all fits in 3 days.
Lavinia Lumezanu, Publisher
With a passion for travel and fitness, as well as foreign languages and cultures, Lavinia has always been an adventurer. She loves discovering new places as often as possible, whether it’s luxury resorts around the world or cozy little bungalows full of charm and local flair, eating in Michelin-star restaurants or sampling the local street food.
You can read more about her endeavors at https://lavinialumezanu.com/.
Meryl Pearlstein, Contributor
Traveling with her family has given Meryl Pearlstein a chance to “live” all over the world, something she’s always longed to do. Meryl loves everything having to do with travel, dining and the arts. Her articles have appeared in Gayot, Crain’s 5boros, Splash Magazines, New York Magazine, Global Traveler, GQ, Boston Herald, Fortune Small Business online, Northshore Magazine, Travel Squire, Hotel & Motel Management and Fodor’s Guide to New York City. A member of the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW), Meryl is the author of Fodor’s Family: New York City with Kids and a contributor to IN New York, Where Traveler and City Guide. Meryl’s blog, Travel and Food Notes, www.travelandfoodnotes.com, is a companion to her column on www.AllNY.com. Follow her on social media @merylpearlstein.
Visit our Contact page if you’d like to become a contributor and write about your 3-day adventures.